
🔎 Podejrzyj miniatury

📂 Kategoria /tabs/Radiohead

1. Airbag.gtp
2. Anyone Can Play Guitar.gtp
3. Black Star.gtp
4. Bones.gtp
5. Bulletproof I Wish I Was.gtp
6. Creep.gtp
7. Electioneering.gtp
8. Exit Music (For A Film).gtp
9. Fake Plastic Trees.gtp
10. Fitter Happier.gtp
11. High and Dry.gtp
12. How Do You.gtp
13. Just.gtp
14. Karma Police (2).gtp
15. Karma Police.gtp
16. Let Down (Bass).gtp
17. Let Down.gtp
18. Lucky.gtp
19. Maquilladora.gtp
20. My Iron Lung (2).gtp
21. My Iron Lung.gtp
22. Nice Dream.gtp
23. No Surprises.gtp
24. Paranoid Android (2).gtp
25. Paranoid Android.gtp
26. Planet Telex.gtp
27. Polyethylene (Parts 1 and 2).gtp
28. Prove Yourself.gtp
29. Ripcord.gtp
30. Stop Whispering.gtp
31. Street Spirit (Fade Out).gtp
32. Sulk.gtp
33. The Bends.gtp
34. The Tourist.gtp
35. Vegetable.gtp
36. You Never Wash Up After Yourself.gtp
37. You.gtp
38. [Nice Dream].gtp

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