
🔎 Podejrzyj miniatury

📂 Kategoria /tabs/RedHotChiliPeppers

1. Aeroplane (2).gtp
2. Aeroplane.gtp
3. All Around The World (3).gtp
4. Around The World.gtp
5. Blood Sugar Sex Magik.gtp
6. Breakin' The Girl.gtp
7. Californication.gtp
8. Coffee Shop (bass).gtp
9. Coffee Shop.gtp
10. FU (Riff).gtp
11. Fonky Monks (Riff).gtp
12. Fonky Monks (incomplete).gtp
13. Funky Monks (Bass).gtp
14. Give It Away.gtp
15. Higher Ground.gtp
16. I Could Have Lied.gtp
17. If You Have To Ask (Bass).gtp
18. If You Have To Ask.gtp
19. Knock Me Down.gtp
20. Mellowship Slinki In B Major.gtp
21. My Friends.gtp
22. My Lovely Man.gtp
23. Naked In The Rain (Bass Solo).gtp
24. One Big Mob.gtp
25. One Hot Minute.gtp
26. Pea.gtp
27. Scar Tissue.gtp
28. Shallow Be Thy Game.gtp
29. Soul To Squeeze (Intro).gtp
30. Suck My Kiss.gtp
31. Tearjerker.gtp
32. Transcending.gtp
33. Under The Bridge.gtp
34. Walkabout (Bass).gtp
35. Walkabout.gtp
36. Warped.gtp

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